Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Accolade for Taction - The Contact Center Agent Laurie W!

Supervisor Robin W. wrote:

Millard G. called on the [Client] line and spoke with Laurie. He explained to her that he recently fractured his arm and has a trip to Europe already scheduled. He is looking for luggage that he can strap together as well as something lighter to pull as he can only use one arm.

Laurie examined several pieces here as well as searched on our website. After discussing several styles with Laurie, Mr. G. asked to speak to with the Supervisor. Mr. G. stated that Laurie went the extra step by taking the time to check out and try' the luggage here as well as searching on the website.

He also stated she was very friendly and seemed genuinely empathetic to his circumstances. He is going to place his order on the web once he calls his traveling partner and recommends they purchase luggage here as well. He said to give Laurie 5 stars!!

Way to go, Laurie! Thanks for going the extra mile!!

For more about Taction - The Contact Center and our Clients, please see our website Taction.Com

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