Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Accolade for Taction - The Contact Center Agent Mary R!

Team Leader Debbie K. wrote:

I had the pleasure today of speaking to a Ms. Snow today who had called in to place an order with [Client], She spoke to Mary R. and had nothing but good things to say about her experience! She said that Mary was WONDERFUL!

She stated that it wasn't often that she gets to speak to a really pleasant customer service person. She said that Mary was rare, and that she definitely seems like she is a keeper! She said she enjoyed every moment that she spent ordering with Mary, and that she deserved a raise!

Thank you so much Mary for your World Class Customer Service. It is a really nice feeling to be on the other end of a conversation with someone saying such nice things about a fellow employee!

Debbie K.
Taction - The Contact Center

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