Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is Taction's Agent of the Month?

At Taction - The Contact Center quality in service and information delivery is our brand. Measuring the things that matter is continuous and the competition each month is tough when the average Agent tenure is 4 to 5 years. These folks know what they are doing!

To answer the question, what is Taction's Agent of the Month, is simple. The Agent of the Month is the Agent with the highest quality rating up to 100 points. How we arrive at that rating is not so simple...

Taction's quality rating system is called AAA and covers the following areas:
  • Attendance - In a 24/7, 365 day contact center world, attendance is incredibly important.
  • Achievement - Accolades and other achievements, including business improvement ideas
  • Accuracy - Call Monitoring Scores and Error rates are covered under this category
To sum it up, Agents who secure the distiction of Agent of the Month have great attendance, get more positve feedback from our clients and their customers, and have higher call monitoring scores and fewer to no data collection errors.

It takes World Class people to make a World Class Contact Center!

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