Friday, December 10, 2010

An Accolade for Taction - The Contact Center Agent Jenn S.!

Team Leader Michele wrote:

[Client] customer Mr Winston asked to speak with me regarding the great job Jennifer did helping him with his order tonight. She took time to explain the products and the promotion he was trying to use. He said she not only helped him save money, but even offered additional products to go with the [product] he was purchasing as a gift. He was pleased at how courteous she was and that she verified everything to ensure the gifts were perfect.

Mr Winston wanted everyone to know that he will continue to be a [Client] customer because of the wonderful treatment he received today. He is sure that we must be a good company if we employ such great people!

Thank you, Jennifer, for being a wonderful representation of our Client. Your dedication does not go unnoticed.

Michele H.
Taction ~ The Contact Center
Team Leader ~ HighesTeam

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