Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Client Accolade for All Taction Agents

An Open Letter From Taction Sales Manager, Randy McKee:

Hi Team,

You may or may not know this but your President and CEO Steve likes to say you folks are good... Darned good... That you folks get a lot of Accolades and that just does not happen much in our line of business.

Lets talk about Accolades.

Word History: People usually have to stick their necks out to earn accolades, and this is as it should be. In tracing accolade back to its Latin origins, we find that it was formed from the prefix ad-, “to, on,” and the noun collum, “neck,” which may bring the word collar to mind. From these elements came the Vulgar Latin word *accollre, which was the source of French accolade, “an embrace.” An embrace was originally given to a knight when dubbing him, a fact that accounts for accolade having the technical sense “ceremonial bestowal of knighthood,” the sense in which the word is first recorded in English in 1623.

Accolades would be given when a client, and or caller goes out of their way to praise a Team Member.

This may include:

* asking to speak with a superior
* initiating contact, with a superior (or other), in any form.

I received a voice mail from our newest client Mark who stated that he feels things are going exceptionally well, that he is very, very pleased with the end results of your calls and he knows that as you all become more comfortable with the [qualification] process he'll be seeing more transfers.

This is great work ladies and gentlemen and as I've written before so it bears repeating, I couldn't be any more proud of each and every one of you.


Randall McKee, Sales Manager
rmm [@] taction.net
Taction - The Contact Center

Monday, February 22, 2010

An Accolade for Taction Contact Center agents Deborah P.

Taction Trainer, Charity H wrote:

I had the pleasure of speaking to a new [Client] customer Kathy today. She wanted to let us know that Deborah had the most patience of anyone in the whole wide world!

She is just getting over the flu and felt that anyone that was able to make sense of what she was saying, and put up with her deserved a raise. She stated that whenever she calls back to order she's going to ask to speak to Deborah!!

Great way to treat our customers!! We appreciate all you do and the wonderful way you do it!



Friday, February 19, 2010

Another Accolade for Taction Contact Center Agent Mary R.

A [Client] customer, Mr. K., asked to speak with a supervisor regarding ---- yet again --- Ms. Mary R.!!! WOW!

He stated she was very polite, professional and answered all his questions. He wanted to be sure Mary was praised for her excellent CS.

Mr. K. is moving to Italy and will be buying more [product]. He loves [Client's product]! Today he purchased luggage that totaled $549.99! (and he is going to purchase more).

Excellent job Mary, keep up the great work! We certainly appreciate it!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Accolade for Taction Contact Center Agent Sue G....

Taction Supervisor Will wrote:

[Client] customer Arthur Q. wanted to speak with the supervisor on duty this afternoon to share his experience with Sue G. I had the pleasure of hearing and recording his comments.

Arthur called in to report a "situation" with a previous order placed for his son-in-law. Taction received this [client] call as overflow and Sue handled Arthur's call. She notified the client directly for the necessary follow-up on the order. After this call, Arthur wished to compliment Sue for her efforts.

Arthur reported to me that Sue was "patient, polite and knowledgeable." [He] also stated that Sue assured him this issue would be resolved in a way that gave him "confidence" about the outcome. Arthur Q. and his son-in-law are loyal [Client] customers who have long been pleased with the company's products and customer service.

Thank you Sue G. for keeping up [Client's] high standards and excellent tradition for customer service. Your efforts with this client and other Taction clients are greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,



Taction is a multi-client, award winning contact center, serving premium and trusted brands since 1983.

An Accolade for Taction Contact Center Agent Chelsea!

Supervisor Laureen wrote:

Where to begin ---- I could not type fast enough with all the great things client customer Sylvia stated about our Agent Chelsea!

Sylvia is an officer in the armed services who served overseas in Irag etc. and is currently serving with troops who are helping in Haiti. She learned about our client's products from one of her soldiers mothers who uses[them].

Sylvia stated that Chelsea is awesome, consistent and professional. She wishes Chelsea was in the Army to help her with some of her soliders. Sylvia stated her needs and Chelsea "mapped it right out", advised what we have and explained what each product does.

Sylvia and I chatted for a while and she is just thrilled with the service she has been provided. She talked about her time in the army and the weather conditions she has been in that affect the hair and skin. She is going to recommend our products to her soldiers. She is also considering purchased some other [client] products.

Thank you Chelsea for the great service you provided to someone who is providing us with great service in the armed forces!

Way to go Chelsea!!


Friday, February 12, 2010

An Accolade for Contact Center Agent Mary R

Mary's Supervisor wrote:

I spoke with customer Laurie C. today. She placed an order with our very own Mary R. She had the highest of praise for Mary. She said that Mary was polite and competent and she was very impressed with her efficiency and customer service skills.

Thank you, Mary for always being pleasant and professional. Your excellent customer service skills are greatly appreciated!

Mary S.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Call Center - Do You Know the Top Five Benefits of Outsourcing?

By Daljeet Sidhu (Re-Published from eZineArticles.Com, with permission by author)

In today's environment of cutthroat competition, customer expectations of support and service have reached new highs. Businesses without extraordinary customer support tend to lose favor with consumer, lag behind their competition or even face a survival crisis. Hence, the all-important customer support services can never be overlooked. Your company can set up an in-house call center or outsource such services. Much, however, depends on your available resources including manpower, infrastructure and technical know-how. While large businesses may go in for their own call centers, majority of the mid-sized companies find outsourcing a much viable option.

Listed below are five advantages of outsourcing your call center:

1. 24/7 support to customers across the time zones
In today's globalized environment, businesses often have customers spread across various time zones and they expect twenty-four hour customer service. Call centers, with 24/7/365 operating model, ascertain that customers get the required assistance whenever and wherever they need them. Such activities help cement ties between the consumers and the company and retain them in the long run.

2. Save on cost of establishing in-house call center
Establishing an in-house call center involves heavy investment on infrastructure and hiring and training of required personnel. This results in diversion of crucial resources from the core operations of the company.
Outsourcing these tasks to call centers takes care of the entire process of preparation, relieving the company of the headache of putting in place every small element and managing the operations all along.

3. Tap into required expertise
Maintaining an in-house call center is treated as an extra responsibility for businesses. On the other hand, call centers that are exclusively devoted to these operations treat it as their primary task, concentrating all their energies to deliver very high quality service. It is almost impossible for your company to reach that level of expertise. Thus, outsourcing call center services ensures excellent customer support services.

4. Focus on your core competence
It is important for every company to focus on its core competence and rely on outside experts to handle tasks that are not part of the core. Call center is one such area that should be outsourced since making and receiving calls is their bread and butter and it would be tough for you to match the quality of service they generally deliver.

5. Utilize advanced and specialized services
The bouquet of specialized and advanced services that call centers offer today go beyond expectations of the company. In fact, one has to be very careful in making the right choice of the vendor and the collection of services. The right kind of partnership with the appropriate vendor can contribute towards the success of the company at large.

It is not for nothing that call centers are becoming the new buzzword in the world of business. The positive contribution they make to companies far outweigh the investment made in hiring them as partners in business. Specialized call centers are here to stay and help you succeed.

About the Author: Daljeet Sidhu is Co-founder at TradeSeam Business Network.

To view this article in it's original context please go to:  eZineArticles.Com