Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dedication, Call Center Workers @ Taction Have It

Flu and winter have finally taken hold in Maine with some folks too sick to make it in or sent home to save us all and others with frozen water pipes, closed day care woes, and other everyday obstacles to clocking in on time. As the annual reminder email to staff goes, "we are a small community of isolated villages and towns..." where the average commute is 30-40 minutes of icy and sometimes mountainous back roads.
It's a wonder we have any seats filled at all, yet ATTAs are flying 'round our in-boxes as Agent after Agent stays over two hours late on a shift or comes in an hour early to ensure we answer every call possible that comes in.
Good thing because with 4th quarter almost spinning off the rails the phones are humming with catalog sales flooding in and Customer Service Representatives trying to ease customers holiday anxiety we are full on in the busy season and grateful for our dedicated workers. You folks are truly world class call center in every aspect. Thanks.

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