Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Accolades and ATTAs, A Culture of Reward

This initial post is for future reference and to allow readers to gain insight into two very important cultural aspects of our call center community. Quite often our employees are rewarded for doing right with public recognition, this blog and subsequent feeds build value toward this effort, wherein announcements of either an Accolade or ATTA (As in ATTA Gal or ATTA Guy!) has been earned.

In our call center we represent many client companies with unique offerings and customers. An Accolade can be generated by either customer feedback and/ or client feedback and is defined as: When a customer and/ or client goes out of their way to praise an employee.

ATTAs were created to reward employees for generally doing good  including, but not limited to, working extra time to help out their fellow employees, shoveling snow or other housekeeping, even walking an employee to their car when it's late at night and dark.

As a culture that values reward, Taction - The Contact Center, will be posting Accolades and ATTAs quite often.

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