Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Accolade for Taction Consumer Advocate Amy B.!

Client Services Manager Michele B. wrote:

We all know what a great job Amy does in assisting you all with [Client's], but what we sometimes tend to overlook is what a great job she does in assisting [Client's] customers.

Below is an email that was sent in regards to the service that Amy provided to a [Client] customer; so I would like to take this moment to personally thank Amy for the great job that she does for both you and our Clients.

Dear Amy,

Thank you for giving me the individualized attention to allow my transaction to (finally!) be completed. I really appreciate the level of customer service you provided, especially in light of the previous experience [DEL] up until that point you took over. The [product] arrived today! The charge and reversal may have happened so quickly in succession that I have yet to even see a charge on my account. All in all, great on both counts! Please feel free to pass this message on to your manager in demonstration of your outstanding job and going above and beyond for me.

Again, many thanks,


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Good News from Connections Magazine

Good news @ Taction - The Contact Center!

An email received today from the editor of Connections Magazine informed us that an article written by Sales Manager Randy McKee, "Turn Your Call Center into a Sales Center", will be in the April issue of Connections Magazine.

Quite timely considering we've been doing Sales Refresher Trainings and creating new Sales Coaching Tools to ramp up for Q2 sales campaigns.

The article has already been posted online at