Monday, January 18, 2010

An Accolade for Contact Center Agent Brittany F.

Client Services Manager Michele wrote:

I received an email from [one of our clients] regarding a call that our very own Brittany Fales handled.

Here is the exact quote:

"I wanted to pass on a kudos to one of your staff. Brittany F.
received a call last night around 10pm EST and based on her detailed
documentation she was a true advocate of [our company]. It sounds if she really understands the program and genuinely wanted to help the [customer].
Please pass my thanks on to her for such a great note and doing her best in providing a great call for the customer.

This was provided to me by one of our Client Consultants and I know
that this left quite an impression on her."

Well, Ms Brittany, I think you should stand up and take a bow.....
(I will ask for your autograph later.... :-) )

Thank you for your hard work and dedication,


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