Monday, May 17, 2010

Taction - The Contact Center Announces Agent of the Month for April 2010

Here's a new glimpse into our culture...

Each month our Call Center Agents are rated using our AAA+ process, the scoring system blends scores in Attendance, Business Process Improvements (Internal and/or for our Clients), and Quality Assurance (Transactional and Call Monitoring). Agents that have scores exceeding our standard are considered "In The Green" and are rewarded with non-cash or same as cash incentives. The Agent with the highest AAA+ rating is announced as "Agent of the Month" and receives a more valuable incentive for their achievement as well as public recognition.

We're pleased to name Call Center Agent and part time Supervisor Kristi O. as Agent of the Month for April 2010.

Kristi has been with Taction - The Contact Center for almost 2 years now (August). Kristi says she loves working @ Taction - The Contact Center because of her peers and our clients and their customers. She values helping people and feels that she does this on a daily basis, whether it be assisting a customer trying to find a specific product or answering their questions, in her agent role, or assisting other agents in her role as Supervisor and "go to gal".

Congratulations Kristi, on being Agent of the Month for April 2010, you're a valuable member of our Team!

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